Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin Volume 6 Number 1 in 2023 has published six articles in the geoscience field. An article discussed Study of Reservoir Characteristics Based on Petrophysical Data. Then, there is an article on Identification Study of the Distribution of Pb, Cu, As and Cd Metal Ions in Water and Sediments in Bontang Waters, East Kalimantan Using the Kriging Method (Ordinary Kriging). The article discussed to Study of Rayleigh Waves for Predicting Soil Carrying Capacity Using the Seismic Multi-Channel Analysis Of Surface Wave (MASW) Method has been published in this volume. All of the published articles are available to all users worldwide. Thank you to the entire team of authors who entrusted their scientific articles to the Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin for publication.