Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin Volume 3 Number 2 in 2020 has published nine articles in the geoscience field. An article Slope Stability Analysis of Ground Vibration Due to Blasting Activity. Then, there is an article Identification of Coal Seam Spread and Thickness Based on Well Logging Data. Then, there is an article Identification of Coal Seam Spread and Thickness Based on Well Logging Data. The article discussed to Analysis of Bottom Pore Pressure Analysis Of Subsurface Pore Pressure is Used to Determine the Potential Problems that Can Occur in Formation. The Research Purpose To Determine Surface Using The Eaton Method In The Elnusa Well Based on Data Well Logging. All of the published articles are available to all users worldwide. Thank you to the entire team of authors who entrusted their scientific articles to the Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin for publication.