Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin Volume 2 Number 1 in 2019 has published eight articles in the Geoscience field. The first article discusses the Study on the Utilization of Groundwater and the Potential for Seawater Intrusion in the Coastal Areas of Balikpapan City. The second article discusses Land Cover Changes Based on Digital Image Analysis in the Coastal Areas of Balikpapan City. The third article discusses the study of sediment transport in coastal waters of East Kalimantan using a hydrodynamic model. And the fourth article discusses the Analysis of Gamma Ray Log Values and Density Logs for Variations in the Recording Speed of the "Robertson Geologging (RG)" Well Logging Method, and there are also other articles that can be accessed in this volume. All published articles are available to all users around the world. Thanks to the entire team of writers who entrusted their scientific articles to the Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin for publication.