Penentuan Jalur Terpendek dengan Metode Heuristik Menggunakan Algoritma Sarang Semut (Ant Colony)
Studi Kasus: Jalan Arteri Sekunder Kota Samarinda
Ant Colony algorithm was adopted from the behavior of ant colonies, known as the system of ants, ant colonies are naturally able to find the shortest route on their way from nest to food source places. Colony of ants can find shortest route between the nest and food sources based on the trajectory of footprints that have been passed. The density of ant footprints on the path is always updating because of the evaporation of the footprints and the determination of ant pathways using probability calculations. This study aims to determine the results of determining the shortest path using the ant colony algorithm as the best route from the Samarinda City secondary arterial road with the route starts from Slamet Riyadi road to DI Panjaitan road. Based on the results of the study using the ant colony algorithm obtained the shortest path of 8.307 kilometers with footprint density of 1.005.