Pengelompokkan Data Runtun Waktu menggunakan Analisis Cluster
Studi Kasus: Nilai Ekspor Komoditi Migas dan Nonmigas Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Periode Januari 2000-Desember 2016
The export value of East Kalimantan Province has big data conditions with time series and multivariable data types. Cluster analysis can be applied to time series data, where there are different procedures and grouping algorithms compared to grouping cross section data. Algorithms and procedures in the cluster formation process are done differently, because time series data is a series of observational data that occur based on a time index in sequence with a fixed time interval. The purpose of this research is to obtain the best similarity measurement using the cophenetic correlation coefficient and get the optimal c-value using the silhouete coefficient. In this study, the grouping algorithm used is a single linkage with four measurements of similarity, namely the Pearson correlation distance, euclidean, dynamic time warping and autocorrelation based distance. The sample in this study is the data on the export value of oil and non-oil commodities in East Kalimantan Province from January 2000 to December 2016 consisting of 10 variables. Based on the results of the analysis, the distance of the best similarity measurement in clustering the export value of oil and non-oil commodities in East Kalimantan Province is the dynamic time warping distance with the optimal c-value of 3 clusters.