Pengelompokan Puskesmas Berdasarkan Kasus Balita Stunting di Kabupaten Paser Menggunakan Metode K-Medoids

  • Ika Puspita Universitas Mulawarman
  • Memi Nor Hayati
  • Darnah Andi Nohe


The number of cases of stunting toddler in Paser Regency increased by 6.66% from 2018 to 2019%. The increased in the number of stunting toddler in Paser Regency shows that the efforts made by the Paser Regency Government have not been effective in reducing the prevalence of stunting toddler because the stunting toddler rate in Paser Regency is still above the threshold set by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is a maximum of 20%. Therefore, an appropriate strategy is needed to find out which areas receive special attention and treatment, one of method to be used is cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is divided into two methods, namely the hierarchical method and the non-hierarchical method. The non-hierarchical method begins by establishing the number of groups. One of the methods included in the non-hierarchical method is K-medoids. In this study, clustering will be carried out in cases of stunting toddlers in Paser Regency using the K-medoids method. This study aims to determine the optimal cluster formed by selecting the smallest Davies Buoldin Index (DBI) value from the 2019 Community Health Center grouping in Paser Regency. The clusters formed for the K-medoids method in this study were 2 clusters, 3 clusters, and 4 clusters. Based on the results of the analysis, the K-medoids method for 2 clusters, 3 clusters and 4 clusters was based on the DBI values ​​of 0.977, 1.470, and 1.670, respectively. The optimal group for classifying stunting toddler cases in Paser Regency in 2019 is 2 cluster using K-medoids method.


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How to Cite
PUSPITA, Ika; HAYATI, Memi Nor; NOHE, Darnah Andi. Pengelompokan Puskesmas Berdasarkan Kasus Balita Stunting di Kabupaten Paser Menggunakan Metode K-Medoids. EKSPONENSIAL, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-10, may 2023. ISSN 2798-3455. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025. doi: