Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin Volume 5 Number 1 in 2022 has published six articles in the geoscience field. An article discussed Numerical Study of Hydrodynamics in the waters of Balikpapan Bay using the Finite Volume Method. Then, there is an article Coal Quality Test on the Layer Depth of the Bunyu Island Mining Area with the Proximate Method at 4 Pit Locations. The article discussed to Analysis Of The Relationship Value Of Hgi (Hardgrove Grindability Index) Ash Content Inherent Moisture And Total Sulfur To The Caloric Value Of Coal At Pt. Geoservices Samarinda East Kalimantan have been published in this volume. All of the published articles are available to all users worldwide. Thank you to the entire team of authors who entrusted their scientific articles to the Jurnal Geosains Kutai Basin for publication.